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de carga de mercancías

Foreign trade

Foreign trade presents unique and complex challenges that require in-depth knowledge of customs and tax regulations. Our firm offers specialized foreign trade services to help you take advantage of international business opportunities while complying with all applicable regulations. From customs and logistics management to tariff classification and cost optimization, we are committed to providing you with efficient and personalized solutions for your foreign trade operations.



Customs management: We provide advice and support in customs procedures, including tariff classification, customs valuation, import and export procedures, as well as the application of available tax and customs benefits.

Compliance with foreign trade regulations: We ensure that our clients comply with all regulations and standards related to foreign trade, including labeling requirements, certifications and permits necessary for the international exchange of goods and services.

Cost optimization: We analyze our clients' foreign trade operations in order to identify opportunities to optimize costs, such as supplier selection, efficient transportation routes, and the use of special customs regimes.

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